
Compare pokemon stats
Compare pokemon stats

We’ll get more into these values in our next discussion! How Do My Stats Affect Me?

  • These are rolled when you come across a Pokemon via encounter or breeding.
  • You train these stats onto your Pokemon.
  • These are unique to the species, and will always be the same within a species.
  • Though these stats are a main concern when battling, the values you see are actually a combination of three different numbers: Pokemon with a high Attack stat will excel at using Physical moves, while Pokemon with high Special Attack will excel at using Special moves. Each of these stats determine how effective a Pokemon is in that area.

    compare pokemon stats

    When looking at this stat view above, we are presented with six numerical values (HP/Atk/Def/SpA/SpD/Spe). Lucky for us, the most recent Generations have done a great job at teasing the behind-the-scenes work, allowing us to estimate things without relying on pen and paper. Though these stats are being displayed to you just as past games do (a simple number for each of the Pokemon’s six stats), there’s a lot going on behind the scenes that you may not be familiar with. When you select a Pokemon in your party, you’re presented with a clean and easy to read summary sheet. Get ready to learn some Pokemon math, and how it applies to the competitive game! Stats? Like the Ones On My Screen? While we may want to dive right into selecting members for our team, there are a few topics worth discussing before doing so.

    compare pokemon stats

    Sun teams have been a tried-and-true win condition over years of Pokemon, so where better to begin. Of teams currently seeing play, Sun is going to be the main focus of the Pokemon 101 Team Building discussion. Last time, in Planning My Team, we discussed the VGC 2018 (VGC18) format, and began looking at the various archetypal pillars.

    Compare pokemon stats